Goku tries to help Vegeta but realizing the futility of the struggle, Vegeta leaves Goku to barely hold it back himself as Vegeta attacks Gas directly. All the Z Warriors then gathered at the tournament after nine days had passed. I will surpass you, and even then I'll keep pushing, I'll surpass every single warrior in the Universe. Later, the good Majin Buu took Vegeta's place after being spit out. Trunks goes to aid but Vegeta elbows him in the stomach, telling him not to interfere. At this level, Vegeta personally calls himself "Super Vegeta." Majin Buu then proceeds to constrict Vegeta using his Potbelly Attack and mercilessly beats the Saiyan Prince into submission. In the anime, sometime afterward, Vegeta trained and became a Super Saiyan. WebVegeta really got Gohan killed in the Future after all that shit happened to Trunks to unlock SSJ . Main article: Dragon Ball Online Majin Buu's ability to control his body in any way he wishes protected him from the seeds). The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". In Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, Vegeta fought against Super Janemba and though he was able to get in a couple good hits, he was ultimately far outmatched by the demon and was defeated quickly. After punching him repeatedly to no avail, Vegeta initially planned to throw Botamo, but after the latter prevented it from happening, the Saiyan figured it out, tied his arms in a knot, and would have thrown him off the arena had not Auta Magetta interfered. And I'll do it my way!" Once Dodoria is alone, Vegeta learns from him the true circumstances of Planet Vegeta's destruction by Frieza himself. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Vegeta gets called out by the singer on stage, wanting him to go on stage to dance. Anime Debut In a panic, Granolah summons up an Energy Shield which defends him from Vegeta's attack. Whis refuses saying Vegeta can't handle Goku's warm up even but may allow him to do some if he can finish his work out early. Once fighting against Goku, it took Goku tripling his power with the Kaio-ken to overpower the prince. Vegeta before attacking Broly, Vegeta in Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan. When the wish is made, however, Goku is revealed to have survived and refuses to be wished to Earth, promising that he will return himself later. Vegeta and the rest of the group are attacked by a collection of green orbs that enclose the group in a tight space. Vegeta checks up on the others and then explains that Goku and himself will finish off Goku Black and Zamasu. Galactic Patrol Prisoners, Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved) vs. Moro, Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved) vs. Moro (Transformed), Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved/Perfected Super Saiyan Blue/Base) and Goku (Perfected Ultra Instinct/Base/Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Moro (Earth absorbed), Vegeta (Base/Super Saiyan God SS Evolved) vs. Beerus. Videl returns to the tournament, advised that the fight against Babidi might be too dangerous for her as she is inexperienced. Also, despite being nervous upon learning Bulma's second pregnancy, Vegeta was happy to learn he was having a daughter and enjoyed taking care of Bulla. Their third and final wish was interrupted by an enraged Vegeta, waking up and spotting the Namekian Dragon. Despite Gohan's efforts, Vegeta proved to be far stronger and faster than the boy. Later, thanks to Goku's efforts, Vegeta and Oren are separated once more. Kid Buu answers their call, and quickly makes himself visible at the planet. Vegeta then explains to Pybara the whole situation regarding Moro and asks if he has any techniques to defeat him. In this form, Vegeta's might in Super Saiyan Blue becomes nearly useless due to losing all sense of reason and resorts to wild flailing attacks as opposed to using his highly toned martial arts prowess. Taking Vegeta with him, Goku uses his Instant Transmission to teleport to New Namek to get a head start on Moro just as his ship appears above. Vegeta launches a sphere of Destruction energy at Gas, but he begins to push it back. Lord Frieza. With few options remaining and initially hesitant, Vegeta, Goku, Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan pool their Saiyan Power into Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta, allowing them to enter into the Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker state where they finish off Janemba. Cabba replies by saying either one of their universes could get erased, but Vegeta reaffirms him by telling him he will use the Super Dragon Balls to resurrect them after the tournament. He next attempts to rush in to attack Hearts but is pinned down by his Gravity Burst instead. Vegeta fights Super Janemba as a Super Saiyan 2 but is no match for him, being knocked out of the form when the demon delivers a powerful choke. when defending her against Beerus. During the Tournament of Destroyers, Vegeta, as a Super Saiyan, defeated a weakened Final Form Frost with one punch, defeated Magetta, though Vegeta unknowingly exploited his weakness, and as a Super Saiyan Blue defeated Cabba with one punch while he was in his Super Saiyan form. Goku meets his son Goten, and the tournament starts. He senses that Moro is heading off in the opposite direction and Irico tells him that it is Saganbo's ship and the fastest ship he has ever known. Meanwhile, Vegeta stands by a rejuvenating Goku. Without luck trying to calm Beerus down, Vegeta watches the battles between Majin Buu, Tien Shinhan, Piccolo, Android 18, and Gotenks. Since Future Piccolo didnt fuse with Kami, he was no match for the villains. Also during the recruitment video while Chronoa explains a few prohibitions that are not allowed in Conton City, Goku and Vegeta are briefly shown firing a Kamehameha and Galick Gun at each other within the city which is not allowed as Energy based attacks can not be fired while inside Conton City. When Goku finally comes back on Earth and heads directly towards them using his Flying Nimbus, Vegeta reads Goku's power level and then orders Nappa to kill Goku's friends, noting that their assistance with Goku in the battle could be difficult for he and Nappa to defeat. 56 kg (123 lbs)[1] However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Vegeta and his family at the end of Dragon Ball Z. Vegeta's arm going straight through Duplicate Vegeta. After getting loose, the evil Buu eventually destroyed the whole planet. When Bulma points out that Gohan would have no challenge when he enters the Tournament, Vegeta enters, deciding to compete as well, wanting to see if he's surpassed Gohan by continuing to train while the young half Saiyan has grown complacent. Goku arrives to invite him to Zeno's Tournament but Vegeta declines because he wants to stay with Bulma until she gives birth, much to the bewilderment of Goku and later Whis. Vegeta held his own against one of the creatures but gradually overwhelmed. Frieza kept Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz as combatants to do his bidding. When Goku sacrifices himself to save the Earth from being destroyed by Cell, Vegeta is devastated to the point that he vows never to fight again. Goku tries to deflect the attack but Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta steps in to take the full impact of the Broly's attack to protect Bulma from being harmed, causing him to be knocked unconscious. To answer your question, Future 17 killed Future SSJ Vegeta, and hes still dead in DBS. As Moro began using his power to manipulate the very nature of New Namek, Vegeta was pressured into using Super Saiyan God SS Evolved, where he easily broke through Moro's defenses to beat him down. Everyone agrees that Frieza must be stopped from collecting the seventh Dragon Ball and decide they should depart for the Ice Continent as that's where the last ball is located. My lust for battle demands far too much to fall under the likes of you!" The case could also pave the way for all sorts of challenges to the F.D.A.s approval of medications. Goku resumes his fight against Broly leading up to Broly's eventual defeat by God Fusion Goku. Vegeta after responding to Guldo's accusations of Vegeta fighting unfairly in "Guldo's Mind Binds", Vegeta joins forces with Gohan and Krillin. He also has Trunks participate in the tournament, and also jokingly threatens to cut Trunks' allowance in half if Trunks does not fight. Related: Dragon Ball Z: Every Z-Warrior Goku Fought (& What Happened). Able to conserve and replenish energy more efficiently through his God form while using Blue form in the moments he blocks and attacks, he could extend how long he could maintain the max power of Super Saiyan Blue, using this tactic to overwhelm Super Saiyan Ros Goku Black. Kid Buu knew they escaped, and as a result decided to hunt them down. After losing Yamcha (after one Saibaman self destructed), Krillin destroys most of the Saibamen with Piccolo destroying the last Saibaman. Cameo: "Reunions"Full Appearance: "Gohan's Rage" Master Roshi says that Vegeta's power seems to have surpassed that of Goku in that moment. He then detects Granolah's power coming from elsewhere. After the session ends, Whis tells the two of their weakness and how to improve, in Vegeta's case it is that he is wound up too tight and needs to relax more. Moro shares his power with the prisoners, putting them into an empowered state before they gang up on Goku, Vegeta and Grand Supreme Kai but they get overpowered. His team successfully make it through round one and for the second round, Vegeta is sent to Planet Glass along with teammates Hit and Yamcha. Goku later asks Vegeta if they should practice working together more often but Vegeta refuses, which Goku agrees to making them both happy that they finally agree on something for once. They follow Shin to Babidi's Spaceship. He fires a Galick Beam at Yuzun though the blast is unexpectedly powerful and Pybara explains that because he has now created a stronger balance between his body and spirit, he has grown much more powerful than before. But I know it's going to take more than words to change your mind. Vegeta is the last to talk to Goku before he leaves. After escaping the Dangers' Triangle via Goku's interference, Vegeta formed a ki barrier around his body to dodged and avoid Lavender and his poison before knocking him away. Vegeta arrives in his Super Saiyan form alongside Piccolo and Krillin to save Goku when he is about to be killed by Frieza. Now that Goku is gone, Vegeta's goal is no longer to become stronger than him, but to make Trunks stronger than both Gohan and Goku's second son, Goten, as he strongly believes Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 was Goku's doing. ", Vegeta The four teleport to Earth, and Vegeta tells Goku to teleport to Korin Tower to get some Senzu Beans. However, when he notices that Future Trunks might be in danger from Bojack, he goes over to help, taking Trunks' sword with him. Cabba bows his head toward Vegeta, which greatly upsets Vegeta, and he says that bowing to your enemy is the same as giving up, and then tells Cabba about Saiyan pride, and how it is the strength of the Saiyans. Soon, Shin and Kibito appear and tell Goku that a wizard named Babidi is about to unleash an evil monster named Majin Buu on the world, and they must help stop him. Vegeta (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) and Top vs. Vegeta (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Top (Base/Aura of a God), Vegeta (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue Evolved) vs. Jiren. Vegeta follows Future Trunks and Goku is shot at by the resistance who think Goku is Black. They join Merus on their venture to the Planet Jung in order to capture the Macareni gang who are attempting to steal some Blue Aurum. This eventually leads to him getting injured in a training-related accident and being hospitalized temporarily and causes Bulma to get closer to him, rendering Yamcha jealous. Goku asks if he knew, and Vegeta told him that he obviously didn't know, and he would have preferred death than unintentional humiliation. I am the prince of all Saiyans once again!" Desperation eventually consumes him to the point where he willingly allows Babidi to transform him into a Majin, claiming it is a return of his old "evil" self, though this was a desperate, failed ploy to restore his former wickedness, believing it to have been the source of his true power. But don't you dare think that this is over. Krillin remarks that on Earth, the sky turns black when the Dragon is summoned, and since that has not happened, Frieza probably has not made his wish. Unknown Planet Residents Towards the end of the movie, Vegeta is shown sitting down and eating a snack on an unknown planet (to which Frieza sent him on an assignment earlier), with big piles of dead bodies of the residents of the planet itself piled around him in a circle. Goku realises what is happening and Vegeta confirms that he is using Forced Spirit Fission. As explained by Future Trunks, his timelines version of Goku returned Ten years after Majin Buu's defeat, Goku, Vegeta, and the others enter the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament. Piccolo and Krillin are turned to stone statues by Dabura, one of Babidi's henchmen. After completing his Spirit Control training, Vegeta is dubbed "Reborn Vegeta". The Fortnite x Dragon Ball Super event states that "The world of Fortnite has never seen such power! One of Vegeta's more common attacks is his Full Power Energy Blast Volley, the Lucora Gun. He also attempts to launch an attack on a befuddled Frieza after the latter asked if he was a ghost but is transported to Earth by Porunga before he can finish the attack. "You may think he's the most powerful being in the universe, and maybe he is. EX Gogeta is the EX fusion counterpart to Gogeta who appears in Dragon Ball Fusions. Piccolo thinks that Goku can only hurt Botamo if he goes all out but Vegeta doesn't think Goku should. After Imperfect Cell manages to absorb Android 17 and becomes even stronger than Piccolo, Vegeta and Future Trunks emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and confront Semi-Perfect Cell. The two continue to battle, with Granolah firing a volley of energy blasts at Vegeta, who defiantly withstands them before charging forwards. Soon, this world will feel my wrath!" These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. During the Universe Creation Saga, Fu infects Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta with Cumber's evil aura thus turning him into Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Berserk). They prepare to destroy everyone when Beerus halts them, wanting to take responsibility for his own universe. Rest were killed by Androids. Moro proceeds to pummel Vegeta and knocks him out after using the Big Bang Attack against him. Talking to Goku before fighting Janemba. Goku gradually began losing power despite being in Super Saiyan 3 form, and since Kid Buu maintained his full strength even after multiple powerful attacks from Goku, the Saiyan warrior began to panic. Meanwhile, Goku defeats Frieza but is apparently killed in Namek's explosion. With the planet on the verge of destruction, Xeno Goku uses his Instant Transmission to transport everyone aside from Goku back to Beerus' Planet. He also expressed some grief over Gohan's fate at the hands of Buu himself. His power level in the Android Saga is 8,000,000 in his base form and 22,000,000 in his Super Saiyan form before going to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. In his first appearance, Vegeta's initial story arc is almost identical to that of Piccolo, as both are otherworldly beings who develop a deep rivalry with Goku after being defeated by him but then go on to team up with him in order to fight more powerful foes, and in the process, Vegeta appears to develop a fondness for Gohan and comes numerous times to his aid like Piccolo did. If I had known, I'd have never would've wasted my life doing all of your dirty work!" Due to his actions, Buu was never released from his prison. What does that make of me?" Age 732[1] He uses this while battling Super Saiyan Ros Goku Black and easily overwhelms him. After Vegeta blasted a Galick Gun at Beerus, Beerus states that he has not used a tenth of his power in a long while. Vegeta wonders who the mysterious attendee is, so Whis goes on to say that he's the strongest fighter Beerus has ever fought, Monaka. Vegeta then draws upon his Ki reserves and unleashes a mighty blast that strikes down everyone nearby. In the TV special, Super Saiyan Vegeta is shown receiving a hard kick to the stomach by Future Android 17. After Cabba uses his Continuous Energy Bullet, Vegeta tells him to not forget the feeling of anger. The afterlife quite frankly sucks for me. After being revived from death, Vegeta found that his power had increased greatly. Vegeta then takes out both with another Galick Gun, out of annoyance. Vegeta's Palace (Formerly)WST 3338926 K.[4] Vegeta attempting to destroy the Universe Tree. In the manga, prior to the Tournament of Power Saga, Vegeta manages to attain the Perfected Super Saiyan Blue state. In Broly, to compensate for the Ice Continent's cold weather, Vegeta also wears a light green winter jacket on top of this outfit which consists of a high turtleneck, a long white line on each sleeve of the jacket with a bold violet colored "SAB" marking in the left chest side of the jacket. The ability of Gods of Destruction of destroying anything from existence. Vegeta has killed every member of the Ginyu Force. They also game of Shiritori. As Bulma discusses with Goku about how she plans to use the Dragon Balls to wish for the perfect boyfriend, Vegeta - who is on board Frieza's ship with Nappa and Raditz - sneezes. Dodoria offers Vegeta the opportunity to join forces with him to defeat Frieza, however Vegeta declines the offer and as he reveals his true power, Dodoria runs away cowardly calling for Frieza's help. It was because of the androids Trunks had to use Bulmas time machine to come to the present and prevent them from emerging. Heavily outnumbered, Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin look on in terror as Captain Ginyu takes the seven Dragon Balls and flies off to report to Frieza, leaving the four remaining members of the Ginyu Force to deal with Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin. Shin tries to get in the way of the two Saiyans' feud but backs down when Goku threatens to blast him if he gets in the way (to the surprise of Vegeta). Vegeta finds the bean but instead gives it to Granolah, telling him to settle his own grudge with own strength. Vegeta and the others soon join Gohan and his group in a nearby cavern and Vegeta asks Cell why he is tagging along. I want a real assignment, no more mediocre training sessions!" They then found Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan waiting for them, with Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha appearing just after. However, as the dust settles and Recoome emerges unharmed from the debris, it looks like the trio is in trouble. As a Super Saiyan 4, Gogeta is one of the strongest known beings in the Dragon Ball universe. After taunting Moro, Vegeta transforms into his Super Saiyan God SS Evolved form and charges straight for him. As a result of Vegeta's Final Flash, Magetta becomes dizzy and is left open to Vegeta's attack. Vegeta's and Bulma exhibited indifference towards each other throughout the Androids and Cell Games Saga, which puzzled everyone, considering the two had a child together. In Shin Budokai, Vegeta manages to become a Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan during the battle with Super Janemba on Earth, when the Spirit Bomb is launched Vegeta unwillingly absorbs it with his Super Saiyan 2 form. However, its worth noting that this may not be canon since History of Trunks conflicted a bit with the details of the androids battle with the Z-Warriors in Dragon Ball Z. As the match begins, both fighters seem confident about their abilities. Trunks and Goten initially have the upperhand until Avo and Kado use a cloning technique and tip the odds. As with all Universe 7 Saiyans, Vegeta can transform into the colossal Great Ape form while retaining his tail and absorbing enough Blutz Waves. One year and eight months after the events on planet Namek, Vegeta returned to Earth, not having found Goku. Soon after Turles is defeated, Goku and the Future Warrior arrive just in time to save Gohan and Krillin who were the last remaining Z Fighters alive during the battle against Nappa. When Piccolo and Whis are bickering at each other, Vegeta fires a ki blast at the two out of annoyance. In the three years preparing for the Androids, Vegeta trained under 450 times Earth's gravity and by the time the Androids arrived, Vegeta, having finally obtained Super Saiyan, was able to effortlessly outclass Android 19 and 20. When Bulma realizes Monaka is really weak and criticizes Beerus for it, Vegeta sides with Beerus and tells her that the reason why he did it was to inspire Vegeta and Goku to train harder, even though for the most part Vegeta didn't really care about Monaka. What, were you convinced that any of your pithy techniques would do me in? Even after receiving confirmation via Dodoria about Frieza's involvement in the genocide, his main motivation in avenging himself against Frieza afterward was less the Saiyan genocide itself and more being placed under forced servitude by Frieza for most of his life as a result. Cell saga. In Dragon Ball Heroes, Prince of Destruction Super Saiyan 3 (Hakaioji Super Saiyan 3) Vegeta appears as a playable character, introduced in Jaaku Mission 5. Super Saiyan God Vegeta uses God Heat Flash on Broly. Vegeta intends to finish off Broly and aims a God Heat Flash at him. Vegeta, Goku and Tien watch as Gohan and Piccolo are being attacked, Goku notices Prum and says that one attacks while Prum reflects it. Eventually, Goku shows up and he explains that he ended up on Planet Yardrat and learned Instant Transmission from the natives. Pybara also demonstrates his usage of Spirit Control to Vegeta by reverting back to his normal small size from his giant size that he achieved through gigantification much to Irico and Vegeta's surprise that his small size is his true size. Like Goku in this form, he has golden fur that covers most of his body but retains the "armor" that Baby naturally possesses. Duplicate Vegeta then mocks Vegeta, telling him to disappear like the empty shell he is. Vegeta tells him that he does not need to know the details, and tells Goku to defeat him in 3 minutes, but smirks and wonders if he can. However, it was soon realized that Cell was really holding back. Shortly after, he and his son join Piccolo and Android 17 in their fight against the newly powered up Kamioren. In this new form, Frieza was too powerful for Vegeta, and especially Krillin, Dende, and Gohan. When Goku appears, Vegeta, with his son, look on as the others greet Goku in happiness. Granolah piles into Vegeta's stomach, though it seems to have little effect, with the Saiyan even saying that he is growing stronger by the second before throwing his opponent into the old city below. He tells her that he only went because he is keeping a promise, he made to Trunks at the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament. Granolah fires a volley of sniper shots into the water at Vegeta, who evades the attacks. () Only a failure abandons his principles and pride. Just then Goku's other allies join Vegeta with Piccolo asking if it is possible for Vegeta to send energy Goku's way. As Vados yells at them for not taking a seat, Vegeta demands that Cabba takes him to Planet Sadala when he is able to and tells him not to worry because they do not steal planets any longer. Vegeta attempts to destroy a small rock with Hakai but instead merely destroys it with a simple Ki blast. Hearts, Vegeta (Super Saiyan God) vs. Oren and Lagss, Vegeta (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Kamioren and Lagss, Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) and Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Vegeta, having already trained under 500X gravity when preparing for the androids, is not fazed at all by this change (also note that Vegeta grew up on Planet Vegeta, which already had 10X the gravity of earth). They then all take turns hitting the punch reader machine. Vegeta became proficient with this skill, being recognized by Beerus himself and given a signature God of Destruction earring as proof of his mastery over this ability. He fights with Android 18 and seems to be doing fairly well at first and surprises the Androids with his newfound power but is eventually defeated due to the fact that Android 18 has infinite power while Vegeta has to use all his power to fight her. Does it not enrage you to stand before the man responsible for driving us to extinction? In the anime, Beerus noted he needed 10% of his power to defeat Vegeta, something no one had accomplished in eons. Semi-Perfect Cell survives and comes back in his perfect form, but due to his Saiyan genetics, Super Perfect Cell comes back stronger after his near-fatal injury. Vegeta is now in the advantage once again, and Broly is overwhelmed of Vegeta's newer transformation and level of power. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. As he decides on "Eschalot", Goku returns and informs him of the events from the Zeno Expo and of the battle royal in two days. Thus, Goku had to push the multiplier of the technique even higher, ignoring King Kai's warnings. With this power, Goku was able to fight Vegeta on equal ground to an extent, and the prince of Saiyans lost his temper and decided he would destroy the planet with his Galick Gun technique and go find the Dragon Balls on Namek instead. Android 13 absorbs the fallen androids main computer chips and power cells and starts to transform into a big blue being with red hair, becoming Super Android 13. "I'd listen to him if I were you. He asks if Goku noticed that at the Tournament of Power, the gap between Jiren and their power was not so great in the traditional sense. Just when all hope seems lost, Goku lands on planet Namek and quickly rushes onto the scene where the three remaining members of the Ginyu Force (excluding Captain Ginyu) and his friends are. Vegeta after Beerus slapped Bulma, Four years after Kid Buu's defeat, Vegeta was in a training session when King Kai contacted him about Beerus, and he did not even join Bulma's party until he goes to try prevent Beerus from getting irritated. Vegeta has a prominent widow's peak. Vegeta then spends three days standing on a cliff, thinking about his defeat. All my life, I have worked toward this goal and for what? Vegeta gets up and tells Fused Zamasu to stop talking as he powers up, explaining that Saiyans have no limits. He then addresses the defeated Turles, telling him to train and come back another day if he still has any Saiyan pride left in him, to which Turles replies that going back to being a low-class warrior doesn't sound so bad. by expanding it, or perhaps you could contribute to discussion on the topic. Elder Kai mentions the innate rivalry between Goku and Vegeta makes the fusion far more powerful than usual. So instead, Broly watches as Goku and Vegeta spar. As some warriors are still refusing to believe him, Vegeta ruthlessly executes any remaining combatants. His boost during that rage was noted to surpass Goku by both Master Roshi and Beerus. However, even with their combined efforts, they are barely able to hold their own against Broly and are forced to retreat and teleport to Piccolo. Majin Buu needs energy from fighters so he can be freed from the shell he is trapped inside. Flustered, Toriyama says that thanks to that Frieza became the best villain character ever and that's why he brought him back for Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F, though Frieza is annoyed that Toriyama apparently forgot how to draw him. Baby Vegeta takes this form after receiving 1,000 times the normal amount of Blutz Waves. Everyone, including Yamcha, returns later thanks to the Namekian Dragon Balls. Vegeta then attempts to protect Trunks, and Trunks yells for his father, waking Monaka up, causing him to fall back in dizziness, stepping on the crystal in the process. Goku recovers in the nick of time and begins fighting again at his full strength. Vegeta had been training during that time and was quite a bit more powerful than before. Soon after however, Goku surpassed Vegeta by completing Ultra Instinct. It does not store any personal data. Vegeta is invited to the Space-Time Tournament, hosted by Aeos. Black Goku is state to refuse to get access to immortality because he is satisfied of his power and that he wants to become more strong. I entrusted everything to you - my pride, my promise, everything! After the fight, the boy tells them that Goku will soon arrive.
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what happened to vegeta in the future 2023