We would include the Hindu religion in that too. Itll stay there until March 7th, 2023, apart from a dip back into Capricorn from July 1st, 2020, to December 17th, 2020. Im a Sun Leo with stelliums in Virgo, Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus. All of these things will play a major role in how you experience the next 30 years, so be sure to pay close attention to what starts (or ends) in your life now. 37 In Rome it was about the Roman Baths. He comes with ring-fenced situations where it is impossible to get access, but also impossible to get out. If you want to travel in March please see my old predictions about Covid-19. Every 27 to 29 years, Saturn comes back to where it was in the sky when you were born. I got split from my husband 9 years ago so am probably more leaning towards selling up and paying off the mortgage and moving. Transiting Proserpina conjunct Salacia at 29 Capricorn, which also trines Pluto and Venus in Virgo I wonder what the shift of Saturn into Pisces will bring (relief I am hoping) and also what Plutos shift into Aquarius will mean for me. such an important piece for those of us navigating challenges. I am a Leo and read with interest where my zodiac sign would be impacted as you have written in this blog Leo: Courtship. Add These Dates to Your G-Cal: May 5: Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio. i was captured i m sure on video . Family members may have been a worry for you and so on. So its a whole new world of work for you from March. In addition to Women's Health, her work and writing has been featured in The Today Show, Oprah Daily, Vogue, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29, and InStyle. If your marriage is on the rocks, then Saturn will test you on February 14th of those years. Consulting professionals. 23 Sagittarius 33 Your husbands Sun sign depends on his time, place and date of birth. The world will experience a big bump. Pisces rules religion, therapy, Tarot, spirituality, hypnosis, mediumship, meditation and your relationship with the Universe, which may be quantum theory based. Tap into that part of you which came here not just to learn your own lessons and have your own experience, but to liberate all beings from suffering. Im afraid I dont use the system you are using. My thanks to your readers Brigitte, Good Vibes, Amethyst, Citrine, Iris Smith, 444, Leah and so many others for asking such great questions. If you paid to attend an outside Zoom event at The Astrology Collective or Conscious Cafe then they will have a recording, of course, and you can contact them to request it. Read your free Virgo Tarot Horoscope to make the most of the opportunities headed your way! Today, Pisces is about spirituality as a whole, across all faiths. I dont know where I go, but traveling is what will be. From that point forward, with your existing partner or a new one, you will balance the scales and settle karma from the previous cycle. All the best. In 2023-2024, for example, you may decide to reshape a marriage so you live apart. The old life of no boundaries and the rather random matter of everything and everybody being all over the place, all the time, cant go on. I remembered trying to have a reasonable conversation about sexuality and sin/harm with my dad back then and his only defense of homophobia was that he believed I was hurting god. You will find freedom, space and room to move at that time and dont be surprised if the last thing you expected, comes to pass. We all had Saturn opposite Virgo at the height of AIDS, if we are in that Pluto in Virgo generation, and it was essentially about limiting our lifestyles and restricting our relationships. 19 Daccord, you have Pisces and Virgo stelliums. Why was The Black Death a Saturn experience for religious people? Your Jupiter in Virgo is a lifelong source of blessing and protection with work, unpaid work, housework and academia and the trine from transiting Jupiter to natal Jupiter (after he changes signs to Taurus in May) will give you a terrific opportunity to relaunch that by 2024. You also have a Sagittarius stellium in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries as well as transiting Saturn about to enter your solar Ninth House. Thank you very much for this article. I even started a work from home on the Internet about 2 years ago (officially established on 5/14/2021) when you posted in Taurus Weather 2021-2026 that it is possible only in a small window to do it made sense to me. Aquarius represents the part of Saturn that can use this connection to the other side as a conduit and portal for insights, inspiration, and ideals to reveal themselves to us from the other realms. The reason now will probably be Covid. We are living through Covid now but in centuries past, other plagues came and went. Pluto and Uranus Ive outlined as your brother is always set free when he says No or hears No with work (even housework) and there is also a great need to take over, both with work, unpaid work, study, but also to take over his own health. Was that around the time REM released Losing My Religion? See how Saturn in the Fourth House in Cancer, in a conjunction with Venus, has shown up. That made me look at my natal chart and I have Saturn at 11 Leo, sextile both Jupiter at 10 Gemini and Pluto at 11 Libra. Is that significant? Dear Jessica, Its on that level. Saturn takes 29.5 years to orbit the Sun, spending about 2.46 years in each sign of the zodiac. Happy Lunar New Year. The world will experience a big bump. The answer, deep down, lies in your resistance to paid work, housework, study and unpaid work. Your Saturn Return is typically as you approach the age of 30 and deal with marriage, which restricts you to one partner for the rest of your life. Transiting Apollo conjunct Ops at 20 Libra A vision without manifestation is of no use but when the hard work of Saturn is applied to refine and perfect and implement the vision in the real world the two are a very powerful combination. Thank you Jessica. What do i need to prepare for this in advance. Try it now. Thank you in advance for reading my question and possibly sharing your insight on my chart. Many people experience Saturns motions through their birth charts as a kind of threshing or winnowing, a painful process of letting go. I take 2 steps forward and suddenly Im 10 steps back. I know that I will have to wear a mask and a face mask to cover my eyes. Over the next few years you will have the chance to really look at yourself, and the nature of your purpose in life will become much clearer to you, as Saturn will bring you messages from the other side from whence you came. for such an amazing and detailed report! Your freedom is ring-fenced. I only delete trolls so your comments would not have been trashed. Am I doomed??? I think i also have my Saturn return this year. All about Saturn in Aquarius or in the 11th house The placement of your Saturn sign can reveal some of lifes toughest lessons. MC in 11 Capricorn Sorry for length of message and negativity coming across. Christmas is also close to December 17th. Im joking a lot about that with my friends. Anything else you can add would be so helpful. The transit passes soon enough and wont be back. Let us now look at the significance of Saturn in astrology. Would appreciate any comments on this or anything else you see in my chart. Thank you in advance for any insight you can provide on these things in my chart! All about Saturn in Aquarius or in the 11th house The placement of your Saturn sign can reveal some of lifes toughest lessons. You are living your chart in quite a potent way. 15 Leo 17 32 Thanks for your insight, it is much appreciated . Cancer: House. Your husbands Sun is nicely in tune with this side of your personality, as you were born to lead, guide, mentor and set an example to the young. You should never sign a contract on Mercury Retrograde unless you are aware of the fine print. I try to understand them as much as I can and am just so amazed at how knowledgeable you are. This time around, you have some useful memories of what it is like to be opposed by people, organisations or situations which seem heavy. Thank you Marls. When Saturn leaves Aquarius on March 8th 2023, the pandemic restrictions will end on friendships and groups. I had my natal Saturn in Capricorn 3 years ago (also Capricorn is my 4th natal house) and in that period I got married but also divorced when Saturn finished the transit and switched to next sign, so for me was a period with two important/crucial moments in one transit. Here? Selflessness is an important theme here surrender your own needs to the needs of the whole, and use this as an opportunity to abandon any imbalanced self-centeredness that you see in your life. If youre a Leo rising, Saturn will be transiting your 7th house; if youre a Gemini rising, it will be your 9th, etc. I am sorry you have had a rough year. Easy for me to say and hard for him to do, but Ceres in the chart has some lessons about balancing acts. Scything, or old-fashioned mowing by hand, is circular in motion. If time allows kindly look at my chart and let me know when and if the tide turns ito my daughters. Libra: Partnership. We did okay. Thank you. Heartfelt thanks, hardip. May 2023 begins a terrific period of saving money or making it, if you take the chances given to you by May 2024. This cover of Saturn, by Liz Greene, shows the scythe. As Saturn moves into the final degrees of a zodiac sign (like Aquarius) and more is known, the limits, restrictions and barriers start to look negotiable. He will be offered a sensational career, academic or unpaid work opportunity from May 2023 to May 2024 and it will set him free. As Saturn slowly opposes your Virgo factors from March 2023, it is very important that you consciously craft a different way of working and living, to meet new realities. Saturn doesnt have to be the old devil that Liz Green wrote about. Mercury square Saturn is always about the obstacles to your voice across all mediums and media. I was curious what a conjunction of Saturn and Minerva in Scorpio means? If you have any questions about your own Saturn transits, or waht this new ingression means for your own birth chart and life path, I would be happy to discuss it with you in a reading. I am also looking for a good physic. You see I have never had children and to be honest have never spent much time with infants or teenagers. You will be quids in as early as June 2023 and start to see a much bigger picture for you, once you are halfway through the year. You also need to examine your subconscious mind. Family and house life is very difficult most of the times, very stressful. Or is this Mars retrograde firing up us all up? Since that time, Ive worked on becoming more loving, accepting, grateful, intuitive (without being overwhelmed), and attuned to the world around me; and am less inclined to beat my head on those brick walls. Possessions. I dont see a chart here so Im afraid I cant tell you when your Saturn Return is. 17 Pisces 03 Ive tried to deal with the Saturn in Aquarius oppositions/squares to my many fixed natal factors with patience and a willingness to learn and change. We might expect limits to be placed on numbers at church gatherings (say) or barriers in place with Confession. I am sorry you lost your mother and are still adapting and adjusting to her loss, at the same time that you have to deal with the change in friendships around you. Saturn in Pisces 3.7.23 - 5.24.25; Uranus in Taurus 3.6.19 Neptune in Pisces 2.3.12 - 3.30.25; Pluto in Aquarius 3.23.23 - 6.11.23; facebook instagram pinterest twitter A very simple way to check if someone is a Sun Pisces is to look at the importance of religion, spirituality (Buddhism, for example), therapy, counselling, Tarot, mediumship, dreams, psychics in their life. This ends in July when the South Node leaves Scorpio. Life as it was 18 or 19 years before has a message for you, about that. Teenagers. Thank you. The Libra weather is about balancing the scales. This brings in new restrictions, curbs, barriers and so on. Anyone else perhaps :)). Saturn will form a T-Square in transit to your Mercury-Saturn square so minimise the media, internet, publishing or educational projects and plans there so the stakes are lower.
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saturn in aquarius tarot 2023